1,069 research outputs found

    Modulation Diversity for Spatial Modulation Using Complex Interleaved Orthogonal Design

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    In this paper, we propose modulation diversity techniques for Spatial Modulation (SM) system using Complex Interleaved Orthogonal Design (CIOD) meant for two transmit antennas. Specifically, we show that by using the CIOD for two transmit antenna system, the standard SM scheme, where only one transmit antenna is activated in any symbol duration, can achieve a transmit diversity order of two. We show with our simulation results that the proposed schemes offer transmit diversity order of two, and hence, give a better Symbol Error Rate performance than the SM scheme with transmit diversity order of one.Comment: 7 page

    A Fast Eigen Solution for Homogeneous Quadratic Minimization with at most Three Constraints

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    We propose an eigenvalue based technique to solve the Homogeneous Quadratic Constrained Quadratic Programming problem (HQCQP) with at most 3 constraints which arise in many signal processing problems. Semi-Definite Relaxation (SDR) is the only known approach and is computationally intensive. We study the performance of the proposed fast eigen approach through simulations in the context of MIMO relays and show that the solution converges to the solution obtained using the SDR approach with significant reduction in complexity.Comment: 15 pages, The same content without appendices is accepted and is to be published in IEEE Signal Processing Letter

    Structured Dispersion Matrices From Division Algebra Codes for Space-Time Shift Keying

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    We propose a novel method of constructing Dispersion Matrices (DM) for Coherent Space-Time Shift Keying (CSTSK) relying on arbitrary PSK signal sets by exploiting codes from division algebras. We show that classic codes from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) may be interpreted as DMs conceived for PSK signal sets. Hence various benefits of CDA codes such as their ability to achieve full diversity are inherited by CSTSK. We demonstrate that the proposed CDA based DMs are capable of achieving a lower symbol error ratio than the existing DMs generated using the capacity as their optimization objective function for both perfect and imperfect channel estimation

    Antenna Selection in Spatial Modulation Systems

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    Novel transmit antenna selection techniques are conceived for Spatial Modulation (SM) systems and their symbol error rate (SER) performance is investigated. Specifically, low-complexity Euclidean Distance optimized Antenna Selection (EDAS) and Capacity Optimized Antenna Selection (COAS) are studied. It is observed that the COAS scheme gives a better SER performance than the EDAS scheme. We show that the proposed antenna selection based SM systems are capable of attaining a significant gain in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional SM systems, and also outperform the conventional MIMO systems employing antenna selection at both low and medium SNRs

    Electrical and Magnetic behaviour of PrFeAsO0.8F0.2 superconductor

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    The superconducting and ground state samples of PrFeAsO0.8F0.2 and PrFeAsO have been synthesised via easy and versatile single step solid state reaction route. X-ray & Reitveld refine parameters of the synthesised samples are in good agreement to the earlier reported value of the structure. The ground state of the pristine compound (PrFeAsO) exhibited a metallic like step in resistivity below 150K followed by another step at 12K. The former is associated with the spin density wave (SDW) like ordering of Fe spins and later to the anomalous magnetic ordering for Pr moments. Both the resistivity anomalies are absent in case of superconducting PrFeAsO0.8F0.2 sample. Detailed high field (up to 12Tesla) electrical and magnetization measurements are carried out for superconducting PrFeAsO0.8F0.2 sample. The PrFeAsO0.8F0.2 exhibited superconducting onset (Tconset) at around 47K with Tc({\rho} =0) at 38K. Though the Tconset remains nearly invariant, the Tc({\rho} =0) is decreased with applied field, and the same is around 23K under applied field of 12Tesla. The upper critical field (Hc2) is estimated from the Ginzburg Landau equation (GL) fitting, which is found to be ~ 182Tesla. Critical current density (Jc) being calculated from high field isothermal magnetization (MH) loops with the help of Beans critical state model, is found to be of the order of 103 A/cm2. Summarily, the superconductivity characterization of single step synthesised PrFeAsO0.8F0.2 superconductor is presented.Comment: 15 Pages Text + Fig

    Channel estimation relying on the minimum bit-error-ratio criterion for BPSK and QPSK signals

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    The authors consider the channel estimation problem in the context of a linear equaliser designed for a frequency selective channel, which relies on the minimum bit-error-ratio (MBER) optimisation framework. Previous literature has shown that the MBER-based signal detection may outperform its minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) counterpart in the bit-error-ratio performance sense. In this study, they develop a framework for channel estimation by first discretising the parameter space and then posing it as a detection problem. Explicitly, the MBER cost function (CF) is derived and its performance studied, when transmitting BPSK and QPSK signals. It is demonstrated that the MBER based CF aided scheme is capable of outperforming existing MMSE, least square-based solutions